This family was so cute. . .look at this little boys big brown eyes. He was full on energy and super sweet. I had a great time chasing him around. Thanks for the fun photo session!
This family was a blast. . .it felt like 120 degrees outside with 100 percent humidity and this family was still all smiles. The kids did a great job picking places to sit and their smiles were perfect. Thanks for the fun shoot!
This little cutie just turned three! I haven't seen him or his mom forever so it was great getting to spend some time with both of them. Thanks for the great session!
This family of four were so fun. The little boy, Alex, was all boy in his white tee and his need to explore. . .everything. Maria, on the other hand, was a laid back serious little lady. We were able to get her to crack a few smiles. I had a great time with this family and they did a great job in this record heat.
This nature savvy family was so fun to shoot. Luckily they helped me kept me out of all the poison ivy we came across. Their son was a master at determining all the foot prints we found and it was a pleasure spending time with them.
This past weekend I had a session with a family from one of the local seminaries. This family of three were so fun. The little girl was so willing. . .to do anything. She loved exploring and luckily we didn't loose her in any of the lakes we visited. She was such a cutie and so excited by life.
This soon to be counselor needed some pictures for her website. Here are some of her best shots, although they were all pretty much gorgeous. . .don't you think?
Today was my first offical family shoot. This family was so much fun. . .dog and all. We went to a location I had never been before. Flip flops didn't stop this family from walking through the tall grass. We were able to find some great locations and had a fun time. Thanks for letting me shoot you guys!