I wish. There was sand and water but I'm not so sure I would call it the beach. . .maybe a beach but not THE beach. Either way, this little six month old got her first taste of sand and had a blast being entertained by two little girls running around, frantically calling her name. Us grown ups tried and tried to get her attention and had little to no luck, so thanks girls for your help. This is the second time I've got to spend a little time with this family. . .the last time was when this little beauty was born and there was about 6 inches of snow on the ground. It was so fun to see how this little one has grown and developed. Her eyes were stunning and she was such a little cutie! Thanks for the fun session and it was great to catch up with you all a bit!
Saturday I had the pleasure of attending this little sweetie's one year birthday party. I first met her six months ago when I did her six month pictures. She is such a cutie and has such a great easygoing personality. We started off with a little mini session of her and her family. Then it was on to lunch, a massive pink cupcake (made by When Cookie Met Cupcake. . .you can check out these yummy treats on Facebook), and then it was on to the presents. She had so many people there that loved her and showered her with gifts. It was so obvious that this little princess had a great time at her party. The excitement on her face showed. Happy Birthday little Princess!
Happy Birthday Addie! This little one year old was such a sweetie. She enjoyed the little things in life during our session. Dogs, being thrown up and down, and Cheerios. If only life was still that simple. Her parents had such a fun time playing with her and truly enjoyed her. It was so fun to get a little peek at their love for her. What a little blessing!
What a special family. This family consists of three siblings; two boys and a girl. One of the boys will be moving off to college next month so Mom decided to have a little photo session with their family before he officially moved off. It was so evident the love these siblings had for each other and how each one truly cared for the rest in their own way. What a pleasure it was to spend a small portion of this evening with them.
This is the third time I've gotten to hang out with these three and capture their cute little family. The first time this little guy was not even able to sit by himself. . .(here) and the second time it was right around his first birthday. (here) Since our first session his hair has lighted up, he can now run and he has turned into a full blown toddler. It has been so much fun being able to see him grow and develop. This little boy is a sweetie!
Seems like surprises are few now a days. You know, you can pretty much instantly find out anything. This couple decided to keep the big surprise a surprise even from themselves. They have not found out what the baby is. . .they have a name for a boy and a girl but until the birth this little baby's gender will remain a mystery. So fun! There's nothing like having a baby and the doctor announce to you that you "have a -----!" How exciting. Congratulations and I look forward to hearing what your new addition is!